Training Courses, Webinars & Workshops
Professional Development
Professional development and learning is at the heart of CIMC.
If you want this to be your most lucrative year ever, as you switch gears to the new consulting paradigm, we have some exciting news. We have negotiated and are also in the process of negotiating additional programs that can be offered to our members and regional consultants, to supplement our staple offerings. One such negotiated program has consistently been rated over 9 stars (out of 10) by global consultants who have been through it.
Equally or more important, CMC-Global has expanded its suite of developmental workshops and are conducting fact finding assessments of all its institutes, and will be delivering through CIMC and its collegial institutes, programs that speak directly to membership professional training and development!
Stay tuned for more details.
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Suite D, Rendezvous Court,
Christ Church, Barbados, W.I.
Contact Us
Phone: (246) 228-2640
Weekdays / 8:00 – 12:00
Saturday & Sunday / Closed