Finding the CMC in Me

Finding the CMC in Me

What is so special about being a Certified Management Consultant or CMC? Is it having letters behind your name? Is it a conversational piece? Is it a license to be pompous and disparaging to others? I do not know what it means to you, that is, being a CMC, but for me,...

My CMC Journey – Dr. Nsombi Jaja, PMP.CMC

I have found the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) journey to be a very fulfilling one. For more than 30 years I’ve been a consultant and have had some measure of success. The CMC journey, however, made me realize the difference between a consultant providing...

CICMC congratulates new Bahamian certified management consultants

Donald P. Demeritte and D. Yvette Ingraham have received the prestigious Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation, having recently met the stringent eligibility criteria set by the International Council of Management Consultants Institute (ICMCI). The duo...

CICMC Congratulates New St Lucian Certified Management Consultants

Nine (9) Saint Lucian professionals have earned the designation of Certified Management Consultant (CMC). They are Agnes Francis, Dr. Claudius Preville, Geraldine Lendor-Gabriel, Keith Millar, Luvette Louisy, Dr. Stephen Louis, Thecla Deterville, Vimla St. Hill and...