When Brian Ing presented the official ICMCI certificate of Full member Status to Dennis Strong, out-going CICMC president, he congratulated CICMC on having made completed the journey and reiterated that ICMCI was there to support and assist CICMC in its mission to … mobilize its members and enhance their ability to serve clients according to global standards of excellence and ethics In her emailed congratulatory message to CICMC, current ICMCI president Aneeta Madhok also congratulated Dennis Strong, outgoing CICMC president on the … path you have led the CICMC through and the absolutely wonderful team you have to support you in the endeavour to establish the institute in the first place, and then to take it to meeting the criteria of full membership too. I do know how much passion and commitment it takes of volunteer effort, and know that it is not an easy task for you to have engaged with.
St. Kitts — 29 June 2010: On the opening day of the 2nd annual symposium in St. Kitts, CICMC was presented with its Full Member Certificate by Brian Ing, the ICMCI immediate Past Chair. CICMC now joins the ranks of the other forty-eight (48) National Institutes which administer, in accordance with world class standards, the International CMC certification Certified Management Consultant.