Best Practices and Professional Standards in the Management Consulting Profession – Online CourseCIMC Certification Course in partial fulfillment of the CMC Designation

This course is designed to review the issues and challenges associated with professional standards and best practices in the management consulting profession. In addition, it explores options for resolving ethical dilemmas frequently faced by management consultants.

This course takes approximately five (5) hours of online time to complete and may be taken at the candidate’s own pace. It is presented in a series of seven modules with a self-administered test at the end.

This course covers topics such as:

  • How has management consulting evolved as a profession?
  • What are the standards of professional conduct expected of management consultants?
  • What is a conflict of interest, and how can it be avoided?
  • If such a conflict does arise, how can it be resolved?
  • What are your responsibilities to a client and maintaining confidentiality?
  • Is the duty to serve a client absolute?
  • When could this duty to serve the client conflict with one’s duty to the profession, the firm and other professionals?
  • What is your ethical responsibility in decision-making?
  • What proactive strategies can you take to avoid legal liability?

Candidates will be notified in writing of their success in the course (pass/fail) within 10 business days of writing the exam. Candidates who fail the exam have the option to re-take the course within a specific time period, at an additional cost.

Course Fees:

The fees for this course are US $230.00.

A link to the course and materials will be provided to you. Once you have started the course, you have 30 days to complete the course before your link expires.

Obtain access to this Internet course as follows:

  1. Fill out the registration form here.
  2. If you are paying by credit card, you will immediately receive your username & password. For other methods of payment, click on Username & Password to obtain your personal access one business day after submitting your registration and payment. You may also retrieve your username & password by clicking the above link.
  3. Click ‘Access Your Course’. You will be prompted to log in.

​To contact us about this course, email: or telephone 1-246-228-2640

Author: connycimc