Building Capacity of Members
Creating Value for Clients
Developing Competitive Advantages

Building Capacity of Members
Creating Value for Clients
Developing Competitive Advantages


Management Consultants are called into organizations to solve problems by finding the most logical solutions to the challenges faced by the business.

Virtual Mix and Mingle

Nurturing connectivity throughout the Caribbean is integral to our personal and professional growth and development. Through the relationships forged with each other, we can offer needed support and advice, discuss new and exciting ideas, and share opportunities for collaboration and work. The...

Virtual Mix and Mingle

Virtual Mix and Mingle

Nurturing connectivity throughout the Caribbean is integral to our personal and professional growth and development. Through the relationships forged with each other, we can offer needed support and advice, discuss new and exciting ideas, and share opportunities for...


The Caribbean Institute of Management Consultants (CIMC) was established in 2007, as a non-profit organization, to regulate the practice of management consultancy, to advocate for the profession and to advance the effectiveness of management consulting practices and processes in the region.  Since inception, with the institutional support of Caribbean Export Development Agency and other regional stakeholders, CIMC has expanded its footprint throughout the Caribbean region and is now regarded as the champion of advocacy, networking support, capacity development and education for regional consulting professionals.

Hiring a Certified Management Consultant

By selecting a Certified Management Consultant (CMC®), clients can be assured of a commitment to the highest standards of consulting, adherence to a code of conduct and the ethical canons of the profession, a history of results and excellent performance, experience in the field, privacy protections, and life-long professional education and development.

CMC Designation

The Certified Management Consultant™ (CMC®) credential is the only professional management consulting designation with recognition in over 47 countries and offered exclusively in the Caribbean region by the CICMC. The CMC designation signals a clear endorsement of your competencies to the globally recognized standard for management consultancy.

Find a Consultant

CIMC Members commit to adhering to the globally recognized professional standard embedded in the CIMC Code of Professional Conduct. ​Contact us today to discover our talent.

Member Benefits

We provide opportunities and support for consulting professionals across the region. 

Active Chapters & Affiliates


CIMC organises various events, from workshops to gatherings.

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Corporate Office

Suite D, Rendezvous Court,
​Christ Church, Barbados, W.I.

Contact Us

Phone: (246) 228-2640




Weekdays / 8:00 – 12:00
Saturday & Sunday / Closed